
Monday, September 26, 2016

Kim Kardashian is Voting for Hillary Clinton Because She’s Pro-Abortion

By Life News
Micaiah Bilger

Reality star Kim Kardashian quashed rumors on Saturday that she plans to vote for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Instead, Kardashian said she is voting for Democrat Hillary Clinton because she is pro-abortion.

Last week, there were rumors that the reality show celebrity was thinking about voting for Trump after talking with her former step-father Bruce (now Caitlyn) Jenner, a Republican, US Magazine reports.  

“There was a point when I wasn’t 100% sure I was even going to vote in this election; I didn’t want to vote blindly,” Kardashian wrote on her website Saturday. “But I also thought about how not voting would mean that I wasn’t making my voice heard, so I decided to talk to my closest friends and family who I love and trust, to have an open conversation about politics.”

Here’s more from the magazine:
After Jenner encouraged her to do her research on both Trump and Hillary Clinton, the 35-year-old says she “thought about the things that are so important to me that they outweigh everything else, such as gun control and protecting women’s rights to safe and legal abortion.”
“I found that without a doubt, I stand with Hillary. I’m with her,” she wrote. “I believe Hillary will best represent our country and is the most qualified for the job. This year, I’m not just voting for myself, but also for my children, and I took that into careful consideration when I made my decision.”

Life News story continues  

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