
Monday, September 19, 2016

Life Legal Defends Students Arrested for Pro-Life Advocacy

by Life Legal

Life Legal Defense Foundation Senior Staff Attorney, Allison K. Aranda, appeared in federal court last week, arguing that the Jackson Public School District (JSPD) violated the civil rights of several members of a campus outreach team run by Survivors, a national youth organization dedicated to educating high school and college age students about the truth of abortion.

In 2012, JPSD campus enforcement officers wrongfully arrested Kristina Garza and Brianna Baxter outside of Murrah High School for standing on the public sidewalk and peacefully distributing literature to students leaving school.
JPSD officials originally ordered the young women to leave the sidewalk, claiming that it was private property. This same sidewalk is open to the public and is used by students and members of the community every day. Later, JPSD officials told the police a different story, claiming that Ms. Garza and Ms. Baxter hung from school buses and engaged in disorderly conduct. Video and photographic evidence, as well as eyewitness testimony from students, shows that these young women merely engaged in peaceful free speech activities. At no time did they violate the law.

The mission of Life Legal Defense Foundation (LLDF) is to give innocent and helpless human beings of any age, particularly unborn children, a trained and committed defense against the threat of death, and to support their advocates in the nation’s courtrooms. LLDF will accomplish its mission and purpose through the law and education.  

Please help Life Legal continue to defend pro-life advocacy in the public square by making a donation today by clicking on the image below.  


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