
Wednesday, September 28, 2016

NEXT WEEK: 40 Days for Life Bus Tour Coming to Pennsylvania!

Steve Karlen
Director, North American Campaigns
40 Days for Life

America is at a crossroads, and the sanctity of life is under increasing attack. That's why 40 Days for Life is coming to Pennsylvania in one week as part of our massive 50-state UNITED bus tour ... to sound the alarm, and help bring Pennsylvania -- and our nation -- back to life.

Watch the 3-minute announcement video below or view it on YouTube using this link.

You -- and all the pro-lifers you know in Pennsylvania -- are invited to come stand up for life. Here are the details ...

Tuesday, October 4
7:00 PM
Public right-of-way, 1144 Locust Street
Philadelphia, PA 

Wednesday, October 5
6:00 PM
Public right-of-way, 933 Liberty Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA

Additionally, the bus will be making stops at the following locations.

Warminster vigil stop:
Tuesday, October 4
3:15 PM
Public right-of-way, 610 Louis Drive

Westchester vigil stop:
Tuesday, October 4
5:00 PM
Public right-of-way, 8 South Wayne Street

York vigil stop:
Wednesday, October 5
10:15 AM
Public right-of-way, 728 S. Beaver Street

Harrisburg vigil stop:
Wednesday, October 5
12:00 Noon
Public right-of-way, 2709 North Front Street

Make every effort to come -- and bring everyone you can -- to hear from dynamic local and national speakers ... and pray, fast, and stand united with pro-lifers from across the state!

For more info and latest details, visit:  40 Days for Life Pennsylvania here!

The success of these events depends on your participation and help spreading the word. Here's how you can help TODAY:
  • Commit to attend a statewide rally and/or vigil stop, if you possibly can
  • Forward this  invite to every pro-life person you know across the entire state
We have an unprecedented opportunity to stand together as part of the largest nationwide pro-life mobilization in history -- at a crucial moment for America.

We can't wait to see you in person when the 40 Days for Life UNITED bus tour rolls through Pennsylvania. Be sure to come up and say "hi!"

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