
Friday, September 2, 2016

Obama Sends Supporter of Pro-Abortion Obamacare to Canonization of Mother Teresa

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

The Vatican will canonize pro-life heroine Mother Teresa on September 4 on the anniversary of her death.

Mother Teresa was well-respected for her courageous and forthright views against abortion. Famously, the Catholic known also known for her role in helping to feed the hungry and end poverty, said that abortion “is the greatest threat to peace.”

However, President Barack Obama has chosen to dishonor that legacy by sending the head of a Catholic group who supported pro-abortion Obamacare. Obama today announced the designation of a Presidential Delegation to attend the Canonization of Mother Teresa in Vatican City. Included in that group is Sister Donna J. Markham OP, Ph.D., President and CEO, Catholic Charities USA.

Markham was a special assistant to the president of Georgetown University before serving six years as prioress of the activist Adrian Dominican Sisters in Michigan. She also led an association of women religious that was the subject of a recent Vatican investigation and publicly undermined the bishops’ efforts to prevent abortion coverage in Obamacare-affiliated insurance plans.

LifeNews previously reported on information from the Cardinal Newman Society, a pro-life group that tracks Catholic officials and organizations that support abortion:
Sr. Markham left Georgetown to serve as prioress of the Adrian Dominicans, a post she held from 2004 to 2010. During her tenure, the reputation of the congregation for progressive activism was not diminished. 
As key participants in the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility, Adrian Dominicans have been leaders in the “shareholder movement” to force public companies to disclose political donations and other transactions.
They also have been leaders in environmental activism; it was while Sr. Markham was prioress, in 2008, that Adrian Sister Patricia Siemen, O.P., founded the Earth Law Institute.
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