
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Ohio Measure Would Define Unborn Baby as a Person and Ban Abortions

The measure also would make abortion a crime of “aggravated murder”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Three Ohio citizens submitted a proposed state ballot measure to the attorney general’s office on Friday that would change their state constitution to protect unborn babies from abortions.

The Columbus Dispatch reports the constitutional amendment project is led by three individuals: Laura Burton from Cleveland, Anthony Dipane from Monroe Falls and Dustin Paulson from Strasburg.

They are proposing a ballot measure that would amend the state constitution to “prohibit abortion of all unborn human beings, without exception, and classifying it as aggravated murder in the state of Ohio.” It also would recognize an unborn baby as “an individual organism … from fertilization, whether fertilization occurs inside or outside of a human, until live birth.” The measure also would make abortion a crime of “aggravated murder” with jail time of up to 15 years for those found guilty.

The three collected signatures from at least 1,000 people in support of the ballot measure, and submitted it to Attorney General Mike Dewine for his approval on Friday, according to the report.

“We don’t take donations. We don’t pay people. We’re financing this out of our pockets at this point,” Dipane said. “[We’re] just three Christians in Ohio.”

Article continues here

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