
Saturday, September 17, 2016

Prayer Vigil at Columbus Planned Parenthood Facility Set for Friday, October 14th

Mark Harrington, National Director
Created Equal 

Columbus, OH - In light of the 100th anniversary of Planned Parenthood's founding, Created Equal is calling for a protest at the 3255 E Main Street Planned Parenthood facility on October 14th, 2016. This effort corresponds with #ProtestPP rallies taking place the same weekend at Planned Parenthood abortion facilities all across America to raise awareness about Planned Parenthood's century of injustice against pre-born humans. The growing list currently includes vigils planned in dozens of cities across the nation.

Join us as we cover Planned Parenthood in prayer, asking that babies will be saved, women and men will find forgiveness for their abortions, abortion workers will repent, and Planned Parenthood's killing centers will close all across the nation and here in our own city.

Who: Created Equal
What: Prayer Vigil, and holding signs exposing Planned Parenthood's baby killing
Where: Planned Parenthood, 3255 E Main Street, Columbus, OH 43213
When: Friday, October 14, 2016 from 9:00am-11:00am

Visit our Facebook event here.  More details on the national vigils are available by clicking on this link.  

Created Equal was inspired by Mark Harrington’s vision of human rights defenders uniting to achieve collectively far more than one person.  Prior to our launch, Mark commented, “If, at the end of my life, I do not see a long line of young apologists I have equipped behind me, I will have failed.”  For more information on Created Equal, please use this link. 

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