
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Priest to Christians: “You Might Not Have a Church to Go to If You Don’t Vote Right in November”

Rev. Michael Orsi

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Catholic priest’s powerful call to action for American churches has caught the attention of tens of thousands of people online.

The Rev. Michael Orsi, a Florida priest, author and host of the pro-life TV show Action for Life, urged church leaders to speak up about abortion and religious freedom in his message on the National Day of Remembrance for the Unborn on Sept. 10.

A video of Orsi’s call to action has attracted the eyes of almost 25,000 viewers so far on YouTube. Orsi is a former chaplain and research fellow in law and religion at Ave Maria Law School in Naples, Florida. He currently serves as parochial vicar at St. Agnes Catholic Parish in Naples.

“The churches have to begin to speak out fearlessly,” Orsi challenged his listeners. “For too long, pastors and churches have been bullied into believing that they can say nothing political from the pulpit. Let me remind you the Bible’s a political document. The prophets, including John the Baptist and Jesus, lost their lives because they spoke the truth to [those in] power.”
“Too many of the pastors—too many, practically all—in Germany refused to speak against national socialism,” he added. “… the result: millions of Jews, pastors, priests, homosexuals, gypsies all lost their lives because everyone was afraid. What are you afraid of, a couple of bucks? Your tax-exempt status?" 
"What’s that going to do to you? Your churches may be closed anyway, because if a certain party gets elected, this certain party said, if the churches do not agree with our interpretation of women’s reproductive rights, they’ll just have to change their doctrine.”
Though Orsi never mentioned any names, he likely was referring to pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton. During her first speech as a presidential candidate in 2015, Clinton advocated for abortion on demand and said: “Laws have to be backed up with resources and political will. And deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”

Orsi challenged pastors and others to speak to their congregants about some of the biggest issues facing Americans today, including abortion.

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