
Thursday, September 15, 2016

Pro-Life Rallies Will be Held in All 50 States Demanding an End to Abortion

By Jay Hobbs
Life News

As it celebrates 10 years and nearly 12,000 babies rescued from abortion through peaceful prayer and vigil campaigning, 40 Days for Life is set to make a major splash this fall with its “United” promotion.

Kicking off Sept. 27 with a rally on the steps of the Supreme Court building, where abortion on-demand was legalized in the U.S. with the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the campaign is scheduled to host rallies in all 50 states between Sept. 28 and Nov. 6.

The tour, believed to be the first of its kind, is being promoted in partnership with national pro-life organizations including March for Life, Students for Life of America, the Susan B. Anthony List, Pro-Life Future, Heartbeat International, and the Silent No More Awareness campaign, which gives post-abortive women and men a platform to share their stories.

“This is the one front in our current cultural struggles where we are seeing victory after resounding victory,” 40 Days for Life CEO David Bereit said in a promotional video announcing United’s launch. “Abortion centers are closing at record rates. Abortion workers are having conversions and leaving their jobs. Lives are being saved. The tide is finally beginning to turn.”
Bereit and the organization’s current president, Shawn Carney, co-founded 40 Days for Life in 2007 after organizing prayer and fasting vigils in response to a large Planned Parenthood abortion clinic near the campus of Texas A&M.

The original clinic, which was aborting 6,400 babies each year, closed in 2013 and is now the headquarters of 40 Days for Life and the site of a life-affirming pregnancy medical clinic that provides free ultrasounds and STI testing.

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In addition to the 11,796 babies 40 Days for Life campaigners have seen rescued from abortion in the past 10 years, 133 abortion workers have left the industry, and 75 abortion clinics where 40 Days for Life vigils were held have gone out of business.
Several of those shuttered abortion clinics have been turned into pro-life pregnancy help organizations, including the College Station, Texas, location, and the Lc Clinic in Iowa.

“The United tour is a powerful picture of life-minded pregnancy help focusing prayerfully, and purposefully, on those in the valley of a desperate decision,” Heartbeat International president Jor-El Godsey said. “Transformed buildings and energized crowds is evidence that the culture of abortion is crumbling in the face of truth, care, and compassionate outreach.”

The schedule, which includes rallies in a total of 367 locations, is online at 40 Days for Life’s website, or at

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