
Sunday, September 4, 2016

St. Teresa of Calcutta - Celebrating a Pro-Life Saint‏

Marjorie Dannenfelser
President, Susan B. Anthony List

Today Pope Francis officially canonized Mother Teresa as a saint.

That tiny nun, famous for her work with the extreme poor in India, has become a household name, synonymous with selflessness, goodness and charity. But not everyone knows that Mother Teresa was a GIANT in the fight for life.

In 1994, Mother Teresa addressed the annual National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. In attendance were (then) President Bill Clinton, and his wife, Hillary Clinton - two of the most extreme pro-abortion advocates in the World.

You can imagine the look on their faces when the diminutive nun devoted a large section of her speech to speaking courageously against the injustice of abortion.

Our team has put together a 90-second video from that day that I wanted to share with you: (Click here to view the video)

Following Pope Francis canonizing Mother Teresa today, the world is talking about her legacy. What better way to start a conversation with your friends about the value of every human life (and Hillary Clinton's abortion extremism) than to share this timely video with them!

I hope you are as encouraged and inspired by Mother Teresa's commitment to life as I am!

February 1997 - National Prayer Breakfast in Washington attended by the President and the First Lady. "What is taking place in America," she said, "is a war against the child. And if we accept that the mother can kill her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another." 

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