
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

StemExpress Faces Contempt Charges in Move to Halt Stonewalling of Subpoenaed Records

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Washington, DC - In a big move announced yesterday, the U.S. House Select Panel on Infant Lives will vote Wednesday on contempt charges against StemExpress and its owner, Cate Dyer.

Dyer and her organ procurement company have repeatedly stonewalled subpoenas issued by the Select Panel for financial information that would prove not only that Planned Parenthood profited from the sale of fresh aborted baby body parts to Stem Express, but also how much it profited.

The sale of aborted baby remains for profit is a violation of Federal Law.

Continue reading about StemExpress, the release of a UNM deposition, and learn how you can watch the meeting live!

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