
Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Insidious Way Team Obama is Funneling Money to Planned Parenthood

By Rep. Diane Black
US Representative, Tennessee

As President Obama runs out the clock on the last months of his Administration, promulgating sweeping rules and acting by executive fiat wherever possible, perhaps he should use his pen and phone to make another unilateral move: putting Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards on the White House payroll.

I am by no means a fan (watch our exchange from last year here), but as much control as she wields over this administration’s decisions, they might as well give her a title and some office space.

After all, on her watch President Obama became the first sitting President to address Planned Parenthood’s annual fundraising gala; closing his remarks by asking God’s blessing over the big-abortion enterprise – apparently not realizing the sad irony at any point in his remarks.

Last year, the White House praised Planned Parenthood’s “high ethical standard”even as it was implicated in the heinous trafficking of baby body parts. And more recently, we learned from Planned Parenthood’s own annual report that the organization saw an increase of $25 million in taxpayer funding, while the total number of medical services provided dropped by more than 10 percent during the same timeframe.

Now, in what may be Richards’ final act as shadow White House abortion czar, the Obama administration has quietly issued a proposed rule that would strip states of the right to steer federal dollars away from Planned Parenthood and towards more trusted community health centers that provide a broader range of services to women.

It is a transparently political ploy that, if enacted, promises to be a boon for the scandal-ridden abortion provider and a blow to the conscience rights of millions of pro-life American taxpayers.

First established in 1970, HHS administers a grant program known as “Title X” that provides funding to states for family planning services. In recent years, my home state of Tennessee adopted a system whereby these dollars would be doled out by the state to county health departments who would then determine appropriate subrecipients.

All 95 counties in my state have identified community health centers and other providers aside from Planned Parenthood who meet all applicable eligibility criteria to receive this funding, effectively cutting off Planned Parenthood’s access to Title X funds in Tennessee while protecting the needs of underserved women and families.

In recent years, other states have enacted or tried to enact similar measures. This proposed rule from HHS would undermine such state laws, dictating exactly how states must choose recipients for these grants.

Rep. Diane Black's remarks continue

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