
Wednesday, October 12, 2016

ACTION: Tell Planned Parenthood Abortion is Nothing to Celebrate!

Eric J. Scheidler, Co-Organizer, #ProtestPP
Executive Director, Pro-Life Action League

Yesterday I got an email blast from Cecile Richards the CEO of Planned Parenthood, crowing about all the celebrations they're holding around the  country to celebrate their 100th anniversary this month.

When I saw her list of celebrations, I immediately thought about you and all the other #ProtestPP leaders throughout the United States. This is a perfect opportunity to hold a pro-life protest!

Check out the list of Planned Parenthood celebrations right here.

Note: You may have to sign up to get the details about a celebration. Planned Parenthood doesn't want us turning up! (I have a special email address that I used for just this kind of thing.)

If you find a Planned Parenthood celebration in your area, please consider holding a protest -- and let me know about your plans. Let's tell Planned Parenthood that abortion is nothing to celebrate!

If you have signs left over from your last protest, you can bring them out, or, if time allows, you could order protest signs here.

I realize this is very short notice, but Planned Parenthood only released
their list of 100th anniversary celebrations yesterday. So far there are 25 on the list, and I'd like to see pro-lifers turning up at every one.

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