
Saturday, October 8, 2016

Archbishop: “Catholics Cannot Support Pro-Abortion Candidates” and Hillary is “Aggressively Pro-Abortion”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila has given one of the most powerful elections statements by any Catholic leader. He says Catholics in good conscience can’t support candidates who are pro-abortion.
But Archbishop Aquila goes further. He says Democrats are “aggressively pro-abortion” because they are pushing taxpayer funding of abortions and because they will appoint judges who support abortion. Naturally that includes Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president who is spearheading that agenda.
Archbishop Aquila also complains about how Democrats are pushing to overturn the Helms Amendment, which prevents forcing taxpayers from promoting and performing abortions in other countries.

On the other hand, the Catholic leader praises the Republican Party platform for opposing taxpayer funding of abortion and defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business as well as opposing dismemberment abortions and assisted suicide.

Archbishop Aquila also blasted Democrats for promoting the Obamacare mandate that forces groups like The Little Sisters of the Poor and Hobby Lobby to pay for abortions and violate their own consciences.

Although Christians may be inclined to vote on other issues such as caring for the poor, Archbishop Aquila says killing unborn children must be opposed at all times by all who call themselves Christians. 

Here’s more from the Archbishop’s voting statement:

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