
Friday, October 28, 2016

Down Syndrome Awareness -- My Greatest Assignment!

By Kurt Kondrich
Renew America 

October is Down syndrome Awareness month, and I wanted to share where a Down syndrome diagnosis for my beautiful daughter Chloe has led me the past 13 years. As a kid growing up I always loved watching Superman and Batman, and I wanted one day to go out and battle evil while defending and guarding innocent people. My childhood dreams led me to a career in Law Enforcement where I served as a Police Officer for 20 years protecting the community and making sure those who committed malice were brought to justice. A plaque hung above the wall of the Police Academy I attended as a young recruit which read "You can talk about what's wrong with the world or you can do something about it." That motto has stuck in my heart, and I seek to apply it in my life's work.

In 2003 I was working as a beat cop and my wife was pregnant with our second child, a daughter we had prenatally named Chloe. My wife and I were older parents and during the pregnancy we were many times asked if we wanted prenatal tests done because we were at high "risk" for having a child with Down syndrome. We declined all these tests and were very excited about Chloe joining our family. After much pressuring I inquired what we could do if the test came back positive for Down syndrome, and to my horror I was told we could decide whether we wanted to "keep" Chloe. This information about my daughter was relayed to me in a clinical coldness that even shocked me as a seasoned Cop. We firmly declined all tests and shortly after Chloe's birth we learned that she had Down syndrome. Chloe was and still is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on, and when I first held her I was haunted by the termination option we received during the pregnancy.

Kurt Kondrich is  the father of a beautiful daughter Chloe who was born with Down syndrome, and she is a priceless Blessing to our family and community.

When I became aware of the 90+% abortion rate for children diagnosed with Down syndrome in the womb, I embarked on a mission to be a loud Voice for children like Chloe and make sure people see ABILITIES and what a precious gift these individuals are.

I speak frequently to policymakers, community groups, students and church leaders about the silent prenatal eugenic movement against children diagnosed prenatally with Down syndrome, and I am passionate about spreading the Truth in a culture that has embraced death, deception and depravity. Jesus Christ is my Savior and Role Model, and I feel very blessed that He uses me as His instrument to defend the most vulnerable members of our society. Never underestimate the power of one small Voice, and "God does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called."

As prenatal genetic testing rapidly advances I challenge people to ask the question "Who will be next to be identified, targeted and eliminated because they don't meet the lost cultural mandates for misguided perfection?" Please take time to read my stories, and I would love your feedback.

Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart"

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Pregnant, need help or know someone who does? Help is available. Call 1-800-712-HELP.

If you've had an abortion, please know you are not alone.  There are many organizations where you can find help. Call 1-800-5WE-CARE. 

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