
Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Katie McGinty –The Pennsylvania Senate Candidate Supported by the Abortion Industry and Pro-abortion PACs

Pennsylvania voters will have to ask themselves,
"Which candidate is standing up for families,
and which one is standing up for the abortion industry?

By Maria Gallagher, Legislative Director
PA Pro-Life Federation
National Right to Life

Her television ads note that she hails from a family of ten children and that she is the mother of three. The commercials also proclaim that she is a “champion for working families.” As a result, Pennsylvania television viewers may draw the conclusion that U.S. Senate candidate Katie McGinty is pro-life. 

Sadly, McGinty, the Democratic challenger to pro-life Republican Senator Pat Toomey, actually has an extreme pro-abortion position and plans to pursue a radical abortion agenda if she is elected in November.

To begin with, McGinty penned an op-ed piece in which she vehemently opposed a common sense bill that would ban the brutal practice of dismemberment abortions. Keep in mind that, in these abortions, babies are torn limb by limb from a mother’s womb. It is a ghastly practice and it should not be tolerated in a civilized society.

And yet, McGinty wants absolutely no limits on the procedure. A statewide poll conducted last year found that the vast majority of Pennsylvanians support a ban on grisly dismemberment abortions. In fact, the support among women for such a ban is even higher than the support of men. Clearly, McGinty is out of the mainstream when it comes to this issue.

Moreover, McGinty opposes an effort to change the legal limit on abortions in Pennsylvania from six months’ gestation to five months. This, even though premature babies are being saved at earlier and earlier stages of development, McGinty is ignoring science—and the will of the people—with her radical stance.

McGinty supports a policy of abortion on demand, which allows abortion for any reason. Again, she is out of step with the public, since national polls show that a majority of Americans oppose most abortions.
McGinty is supported by the radical pro-abortion PAC known as EMILY’s List, which opposes any limits on abortion and supports only pro-abortion female Democrats. Its extreme position is in sharp contrast to the viewpoints of most Americans.

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