
Sunday, October 16, 2016

Media Bias at Its Worst: 12 Network Employees Also Worked for Planned Parenthood

By Katie Yoder
Life News

We’ve long known of the revolving door between the media and the Democratic party. George Stephanopoulos, Josh Earnest and Chris Matthews are just three of the many who’ve made the transition from policymaking to news shaping, or vice versa.

Less known is the revolving door between America’s busiest abortion facility (which turns 100 on Sunday) and the media. At least 15 employees are professionally connected to both one of the networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) and Planned Parenthood, according to professional networking sites. And 12 of them have, at different points, worked for both a network and Planned Parenthood.

With the ties between the networks and Planned Parenthood, it’s no surprise that ABC, CBS and NBC cover Planned Parenthood the way they do.

In September 2015, two months after the Center for Medical Progress released its first video on Planned Parenthood’s dealings with aborted baby parts, the news shows had aired only 0.13% of the footage. They didn’t cover the majority of the videos and actually aired more footage of a Planned Parenthood hearing on those videos than of the actual videos.

And that’s not all. The networks keep quiet about the dangers of abortion to women (never mind the baby) and their bias shows down to their language and word choice. In the presidential race, while the networks readily noted Hillary Clinton’s support from Planned Parenthood, they stayed silent on Donald Trump’s pro-life backing. The networks also boast multiple funding connections with the abortion giant.

On its end, Planned Parenthood has bestowed multiple awards upon the networks for their reporting.
But the networks have a journalistic responsibility to tell the truth. The American public – taxpayers – have a vested interest in the abortion giant.
According to its latest annual report (2014—2015), the nation’s largest abortion provider received $553.7 million from the government (and that’s not counting years past).

MRC Culture discovered the employees’ information, publicly available on professional networking site LinkedIn, through search engines. MRC Culture did not log in to a LinkedIn account to search for or find this information.

Here are 12 employees who have worked for a network (ABC, CBS, NBC) who also (beforehand or afterwards) worked at Planned Parenthood, according to professional networking sites.

View list of network employees  who worked for Planned Parenthood

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