
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Mike Pence Leads Presidential Poll of Republican Voters Looking at Possible 2020 Primary

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Some pro-life voters are already tired of the 2016 presidential election. Whether it’s the acrimony from the Republican primary or the lack of enthusiasm for the eventual nominee, some pro-life voters just want it to be done.

For those pro-life voters who are already looking forward to 2020, assuming Donald Trump loses to pro-abortion Hillary Clinton and isn’t running for re-election, a new poll has been released taking a look at potential presidential candidates for that potential primary. 

Not surprisingly, all of the candidates surveyed are Republicans who participated in this year’s primary election process.

With that in mind, the new poll shows pro-life Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence leads the way with the most support from Republican voters looking at a preview of the 2020 Republican primary election. Pence’s excellent showing in Tuesday night’s vice presidential debate likely played a role in boosting his numbers.

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