
Friday, October 7, 2016

New Report Shows 62 Million “Missing” Girls in China Thanks to Sex-Selection Abortions

By Jeff Sagnip
Life News

Rep. Chris Smith (NJ-04), Chair of the bipartisan Congressional-Executive Commission on China (CECC) described China’s overall human rights record, detailed in the 2016 Annual Report released today, as “utterly disgraceful.”

The report, the gold standard for Chinese human rights activists, concluded that the Chinese government’s efforts to silence dissent, suppress human rights lawyers, and control civil society, religious groups, and the Internet were broader in scope than during any other period since the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Click Here to read the Full Annual Report.

The 2016 Annual Report shows that Chinese government also continued to maintain coercive population control polices, abandoning the “One-Child Policy” for a universal “Two-Child Policy” in October, 2015. According to the CECC’s Report, the vast infrastructure of government officials who implement coercive population control policies remains in place and the revisions of birth limits may never fully address China’s sex-ratio imbalance. 

As of 2015, there were reportedly 34 million more men than women and there are an estimated 62 million “missing girls,” those aborted due to a cultural preference for sons and exacerbated by decades of enforced birth limitations. The sex ratio imbalance is a significant factor that contributes to human trafficking for forced marriage and commercial sexual exploitation.
“In the long line of the Chinese Communist Party’s mistakes, its population control policies are one of the deadliest and most hated. The Chinese government should not be applauded for change last year, the state still limits the size of Chinese families–-a ‘One-Child Policy’ has become a ‘Two-Child Policy’ while the coercive population control apparatus remains essentially unchanged,” said Smith.

“Families that want a third child will still face the pressure to abort their child or pay exorbitant fines. The sad reality is that policy change will have little effect on China’s shrinking workforce, the social problems of a rapidly aging population, or the human trafficking problems caused by China’s massive sex-ratio imbalance—it is a matter of too little, too late. 

The United States must continue advocating for the complete elimination of government enforced population control, helping to cosign this horrific policy to the dustbin of history—once and for all.”

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  1. ...Another sign of...among other things...the growing demeaning of women and girls...

  2. ...Another sign of...among other things...the growing demeaning of women and girls...
