
Friday, October 28, 2016

Planned Parenthood's Legal Fight To Kill Babies With Down Syndrome

by Amanda Prestigiacomo
The Daily Wire

As insufferable feminists, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and Hollywood continue to deceitfully prop up Planned Parenthood as some moral paragon under the guise of women's "health," the abortion mill is literally pursuing a legal battle for the "right" to kill unborn babies with Down Syndrome.

Planned Parenthood has teamed up with the American Civil Liberties Union to try to have an Indiana law signed by Governor Mike Pence, which prohibits abortion for reasons of race, sex or genetic defect such as Down Syndrome, thrown out.

The lawsuit challenging the Indiana law, which was filed in the spring, is being heard by pro-abortion Obama-appointee Judge Tanya Walton Pratt. In July, Pratt granted the abortion mill's request and blocked the law from being enforced. On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood and the ACLU asked the federal judge to throw out the law entirely, as they claimed the legislation placed and unconstitutional "burden" on a woman's access to kill her unborn baby.

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