
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Pro-Life People Want to Turn Bulldozed Abortion Clinic Into a Memorial for the Unborn

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Pro-lifers in Toledo, Ohio hope to redeem the site of an old abortion facility by turning it into a memorial for the unborn babies who were killed there.

The Catholic site Crux reports pro-lifers purchased the site of the old Center for Choice of Toledo abortion clinic after it closed in 2013.

Ann Barrick said she prayed outside the abortion facility for nine years with 40 Days for Life before it finally shut its doors.

“You pray about these things, and you never think you’re going to see it happen,” Barrick said. “It can’t be anything but prayer. There’s no reason this place should have come down.”
The abortion facility operated in Toledo for 30 years, killing more than 50,000 unborn babies in abortions, according to the report. In the summer of 2013, the facility closed when its transfer agreement with the taxpayer-funded University of Toledo Medical Center expired. State health inspectors also uncovered health and safety violations at the facility earlier that year, LifeNews reported.

Three years later, the abortion facility has been bulldozed, and local pro-life groups are working together on plans to create a memorial for unborn babies on the now vacant site.

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