
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Should Doctors Be Neutral on Suicide?

from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference

Most of us have spent time with a loved one at the end of his or her life. Depending on circumstances, this could have been a peaceful and loving experience or one filled with anxiety and uncertainty.

Some see doctor prescribed suicide as the solution to this uncertainty. However, doctor prescribed suicide is anything but an easy answer. Simply put, doctor prescribed suicide normalizes suicide as the solution to suffering, encourages decisions to be made based on cost containment instead of human dignity, and relies on inaccurate predictions of quality of life to determine a person’s worth.

Now, the American Medical Association (AMA) is considering a resolution to change its decades-long opposition to doctor prescribed suicide. If the AMA weakens its opposition, the move will send a message to the legislature that legalizing suicide is acceptable.

As a health care consumer, you have the right to tell the AMA to maintain its opposition to doctor prescribed suicide.

Please send a message to the AMA today asking them to support the dignity of every person and the need for supportive and comprehensive end of life care.  Click on the image below to send your message.


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