
Monday, October 24, 2016

Vanity Fair Editor Fran Lebowitz Wants “Retroactive Abortions” for Mike Pence and Pro-Lifers

"There should be retroactive abortions."

By Jack Coleman
Life News

Vanity Fair magazine just ended its third annual “New Establishment Summit” in San Francisco, a three-day conclave bringing together “titans of technology, politics, business, media and the arts for inspiring conversations on the issues and innovations shaping the future.”

More accurately, what the magazine’s predominantly liberal readership would deem “inspiring.” At least one of those conversations, between New York magazine writer Frank Rich and purported humorist/Vanity Fair contributing editor Fran Lebowitz, hardly qualifies.

Their discussion turned inevitably to the presidential campaign and Lebowitz offered this on how she “knew Trump wouldn’t win” long before the pesky election that actually decides it.

"I just knew there were not quite enough morons. There are just a few too few morons for that to happen."
“Just a few too few” in lieu of “just a few” — and this from a person with the job title of “editor.” Hold on, it gets worse. Here’s Lebowitz’s take on Trump’s “image” –

"He’s a poor person’s idea of a rich person. They see him. They think, ‘If I were rich, I’d have a fabulous tie like that. Why are my ties not made of 400 acres of polyester?’ All that stuff he shows you in his house — the gold faucets — if you won the lottery, that’s what you’d buy."

But the real gem came when Lebowitz was asked about “anti-abortion advocates, like Mike Pence” —
"[They] are the perfect advertisements for abortion. There should be retroactive abortions."
Two short sentences, and each so appalling.

Article continues here

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