
Thursday, October 6, 2016

Where are the Children?

by Elizabeth Johnson

I know I saw them, heard them, breathed them. 
The sound of playing is gone from our ears. 
Can you remember when they were here? 
Laughter, love the spices of life. 

The little things that keep us together, gone from our sight. 
Can we replace them with a new car or a lost love. 
We hope that there isn't anything judging us above. 
We had been told things would be better. 

With our tiny ones gone so we can live unfettered. 
To keep a man, or to please our mothers. 

We crucify our babies 
Trying, hoping to please others. 
We sit and listen to our hearts made of stone 
And we cry for the little ones that are gone.

Elizabeth Johnson is a post-abortive mother and grandmother of eight. Her first child was lost through abortion after she was told her child would be deformed due to drugs she took before she knew she was pregnant.

Elizabeth has shared the scars and the loss of her first child with her surviving daughters, who are very pro-life.  She tells us they have done research on this issue and back up their beliefs with science.

Elizabeth is from Knoxville, TN and she has a love for Jesus.

'It's normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one's heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness.' 

We encourage everyone who has had an abortion and is looking for help and support to contact Project Rachel - Hope after Abortion by clicking on this link.  

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