
Friday, November 25, 2016

Pro-Life Woman Praying on Sidewalk Says Abortion Clinic Got Her Arrested by Claiming She Had a Bomb


By Erin Parfet  
Life News

A pro-life protester who was arrested on charges of threatening to bomb the Northland Family Planning Center, an abortion facility near Detroit, filed a lawsuit on Tuesday alleging that the abortion facility called the police with a fake threat against her, reports

The woman, U.S. Navy veteran Kimberly Thames, “prayed on the public sidewalks surrounding” the Northland facility along with a Catholic nun on Aug. 27, 2016 when she was arrested, according to the report.

A security guard involved in the incident told police officers that Thames said, “I prophesy bombs are going to fall, I prophesy bombs are going to fall,” according to the report.

According to the report, the police ignored the nun who was speaking up for the protestor, and one of the police officers became angry and said, “You [the nun] have no idea what you are talking about.”

Another officer reportedly said, “Anyone who has anything to do with the whole thing [referring to the pro-life movement] is a fanatic.” reports the police arrested the protestor on the basis of “making terrorist threats.”

Here’s more from the report:

But Thames claims that was a “complete fabrication” and she didn’t know that the Northland employee called 911 to report a bomb threat.  Though the officers found nothing when they searched Thames’ car, they “didn’t bother to conduct an investigation,” her complaint states.

The nun Thames was praying with “told the officers that plaintiff never made any threats and that [abortion facility security guard John] Doe was lying,” Thames says. …

The seven-count complaint asserts claims of conspiracy, false arrest, defamation and violations of the First, Fourth, and Fourteenth Amendments. Thames seeks declaratory and injunctive relief; nominal, compensatory, exemplary and punitive damages; attorney fees and costs; and a jury trial.

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