
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Actress Amy Adams in the Movie “Arrival” is a “Pro-Life Heroine for the Ages”

By Miciah Bilger
Life News

Unlike many celebrities, actress Amy Adams stays pretty quiet about her political views on abortion and other issues.

But whether intentionally or not, she chose as her latest film role a character who demonstrates a strong pro-life message about children with special needs. The New York Post’s Kyle Smith described Adams’ role in the new film “Arrival” as “a pro-life heroine for the ages.”
In the new sci-fi movie, expert linguist Louise Banks (Adams) leads an investigative team in trying to communicate with aliens as their spaceships approach Earth. Amid heightened fears, panic and the threat of war, Banks and her team scramble to decipher the alien language. In the process, Banks gains the ability to see into the future.

(Spoiler alert) Smith explained:
Suddenly, Louise knows that she will have a child in the future and when she does, things will go awry. But instead of changing her fate and abstaining from motherhood, she goes ahead anyway. At the same time, the viewer realizes that the movie’s earlier scenes of Louise with her daughter are actually set in the future — and this is a tragic path she has chosen to take. In so doing she becomes a pro-life figure for the ages, a stand-in for all those brave mothers who give birth to children they know through prenatal testing are destined to be born with untreatable diseases.

Mothers such as Amy Kuebelbeck, author of “Waiting with Gabriel,” who learned in the second trimester of her pregnancy that her son would be born with a fatal heart defect. She continued with the pregnancy, knowing her child would probably live only a few days, and as it happened he survived only a few hours. Or mothers such as Barbara Farlow, who knew her daughter Annie would be born with the lethal genetic defect trisomy 13. Annie lived for 80 days.
In today’s world, families often face pressure to abort a baby when tests reveal “imperfections” – anything from fatal conditions, to genetic abnormalities like Down syndrome to easily-correctable malformations such as a cleft lip.

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