
Monday, November 7, 2016

Is Your Vote in Accordance With What You Say You Believe?

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

In the Andrusko household, voting is not only considered a privilege but we also see it as close to a sacred obligation. Yet unlike some, I don’t make a habit of bashing people for not voting.

As an old-fashioned patriotic type, I believe we are obliged to take responsibility for shaping our democracy. But, at the same time, I know that others are convinced there are other “better” uses of their time, especially if they are not inspired by the candidates. I speak to them all the time.

However there is an altogether different moral calculus for pro-lifers. Babies die by the thousands each and every day. Can we honestly say we don’t have 20 minutes to do what we can to level the legislative field for those who have no voice but ours?

I have many friends and family who are financially hard-pressed at this very moment. Without minimizing this for a moment I would ask you to consider this thought from Paul Stark, from Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, NRLC’s state affiliate, who once wrote

“In the case of abortion, our government has legalized and sanctioned the intentional killing of a class of innocent human beings. At stake, then, is the equal fundamental dignity and right to life of every member of the human family. This is unlike any other issue or concern in American society today (excepting the other right-to-life issues of embryo-destructive research and euthanasia). In no other area are some human beings placed outside the protection of the law and allowed to be killed for any reason.”

NRL article continues

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