
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Join Us in West Chester, Pa on Nov 6th for Our Walk with Memorial Crosses

from Paulette Matthews
40 Days for Life Coordinator, Chester County

Greetings to Supporters of 40 Days for Life! 

We are one or two votes away from overturning Roe vs. Wade. If in the next 4 years, Supreme Court Justices who support the sanctity of life are not appointed, it may be 50 years or more before America has the opportunity to protect life again.

Since 1996 over 20,000 innocent unborn babies have died in West Chester right where we pray. We need to come together again in prayer petitioning God for his mercy and lead our country back to all the principles that America was founded on and protected by our constitution.

If at all possible, come be a visible sign that life is precious and we have concerns for the future of our country.

To reach as many people as possible at this crucial time in the history of the United States, 40 Days for Life will close this Fall Campaign by carrying the 57 white Memorial crosses through the borough of West Chester stopping at the old courthouse.

We will gather in the back parking lot of St. Agnes Catholic Church at 2:00 pm. Each person will be asked to carry one white cross representing 1 million babies lost to abortion.

Signs will also be handed out to carry, giving an explanation as to why we are processing. The longer the line of crosses, the more impact this walk will have on the community so we truly need a minimum of 70 people.

Children are encouraged to join in this walk. Who else better to represent the unborn?

We will conclude the procession at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 110 W. Market Street. A light lunch will be served in appreciation for your participation in 40 Days and making this Memorial Procession possible. Thomas Ackerman is our featured guest speaker. He will share with us his thought on "In Human Nature".

This is a great event to invite those that have not yet participated in a 40 Days for Life event as they will have the opportunity to meet other people who have a concern for the unborn and their families. All are welcome.

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