
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Mark Kirk, Only Republican to Vote Against De-Funding Planned Parenthood, Loses Senate Race

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, the only Republican to vote against defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business, lost his race to keep his US senate seat tonight. Kirk lost the race to pro-abortion Democrat Tammy Duckworth, who work very closely with the abortion industry

Duckworth denied Republican Kirk a second full term late Tuesday, providing Democrats a crucial pickup in their bid to retake the Senate.  Kirk of Illinois was the only Republican senator to vote against de-funding the Planned Parenthood abortion business when Senate Democrats filibustered the bill to do so.

Despite four horrific videos showing Planned Parenthood doctors potentially breaking the law to sell the body parts of aborted babies, Kirk stood fast with Democrats to prevent the Senate from taking up the bill. Although pro-abortion Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine also supports abortion and Planned Parenthood and said she would vote against the bill, she voted for cloture so the bill could come up for a vote.

After three shocking videos caught Planned Parenthood doctors discussing and arranging the sale of body parts of aborted babies, a fourth video was released catching a Planned Parenthood vice president discussing how Planned Parenthood how to break or get around the law to sell aborted babies

The video also shows a Planned Parenthood doctor shouting, “Another boy” while she sifts through the body parts of the aborted baby. But that didn’t persuade Kirk, who has a pro-abortion voting record in the Senate.

Before the vote, Kirk made it clear he would vote to sustain the filibuster because Planned Parenthood doesn’t sell aborted babies in his state.
“In other states tissue donation programs should be investigated but in Illinois there is no similar program,” Kirk said in a statement to The Hill. “I do not plan to cut access to basic health care and contraception for women, the majority of whom have no other resources.”
While Kirk has voted pro-life on Obamacare, he has repeatedly voted for abortion and abortion funding, according to National Right to Life.

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