
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

New Trump HHS Secretary Tom Price: Defund Planned Parenthood, Selling Aborted Babies is “Barbaric”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for HHS secretary, pro-life Congressman Tom Price, strongly supports defunding the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

America’s leading abortion company was exposed selling the body parts of aborted babies for profit, Congressman Price called the practice “barbaric” and said the abortion business ought to be defended.

Price, who is a physician, voted for Congressional legislation to defund the Planned Parenthood abortion company that pro-abortion President Barack Obama eventually vetoed. In a statement in association with that vote, price said the following:

“Anyone who has not viewed the disturbing videos recently released should do so. It is only with that knowledge that one can know, in horrific detail, the barbaric practices being committed with federal taxpayer dollars. These actions cross a moral line beyond comprehension.
 The revealing picture is of a supported routine for abortion practices that result in the harvesting and sale of baby parts, some of which are secured in barbaric process. This, if seen, will shake anyone’s conscience. Today, I voted to end taxpayer funding for the organization responsible and add criminal penalties in the event of born alive abortions.
“This effort is not about party ideology; it is about common, human decency and who we are as a people. I applaud the House for the steps taken today and encourage Congress to take further action in the days to come.”

Price has a long pro-life voting record as a member of Congress and has voted pro life 100% of the time according to the National Right to Life Committee.

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