
Friday, November 18, 2016

Number of FertilityCare Professionals Growing in SE Pennsylvania

from Friends of Fertility Care Philadelphia

In our last newsletter, we introduced you to Alex (Alexandria) De Rose, a young Catholic mother and family nurse practitioner from Chester County who, with the support of her family and friends, has embarked on the mission to become a FertilityCare Practitioner and Creighton Model medical consultant. Many of you were kind enough to support her through her Go-Fund-Me site and offered prayers and best wishes. Were we ever surprised! While Alex was attending the Education Phase I (EPI) course at the Pope Paul VI Institute, she met Marie, a woman from Thorndale, Chester County who was also training to become a FertilityCare Practitioner!

Marie DiCecco has been teaching health education for 30 years. She first learned of NaProTechnology® and the Creighton Model FertilityCare™ while watching a program on EWTN. She and a friend attended one of our NaPro Roadshows at St. Peter's Church in East Brandywine. After hearing the presentation she was so convinced of the worth and value of the program that she headed out to Omaha this past October to be trained.

With both Alex and Marie as our latest interns and Helen La France, FCP there are now three FertilityCare professionals in Chester County! This is just further proof that we are building a culture of life in women’s health care- one health care professional at a time.

The Friends of FertilityCare Philadelphia are a group of health care professionals and members of our community who wish to promote effective, integrated health care for women and couples. To that end, the Friends of FertilityCare are dedicated to making Creighton Model FertilityCare™ services and NaProTechnology known, respected and applied throughout the Greater Philadelphia region. The primary intention of the Friends of FertilityCare is to educate all people in the "good news" of Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System and NaProTechnology.  

For more information, please use this link.  

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