
Saturday, November 26, 2016

Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling at Three Planned Parenthood Facilities in SE Pa.

Every year pro-lifers across the nation bring the joy and hope of Christmas to the darkness of abortion facilities with a Christmas Caroling day.

They gather around a large empty Christmas cr̬che -- symbolizing both the hopeful anticipation of a child's birth and the emptiness left behind by abortion Рand sing carols about the Christ child. Babies have been SAVED from abortion when their mothers heard these carols and were moved by the thought of how Mary said "YES" to be the mother of Jesus.

In Northeast Philadelphia, Center City Philadelphia, and Bucks County, Pennsylvania we are holding three 'Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling Days' which are listed below.  We hope everyone from these areas will come and join us for these annual events.

On Friday, December 16, 2016, we will be at the Warminster Planned Parenthood from 9:30 - 10:30 am. (Use this map for directions).  


On Saturday, December 17, 2016 we will be at the Comly Road Planned Parenthood in Northeast Philadelphia from 9:30 - 10:30 am.  (Use this map for directions.) 

On Saturday December 17th, pro-lifers will gather outside of 777 Appletree Street for Christmas caroling which will coincide with the weekly vigil. The caroling will start at 745AM. Sheets will be provided. 

Please dress warm and invite your family and friends. All are welcome!

The Christmas Caroling Day has become an important annual event for pro-life groups across the country.  In the past it was known at the Empty Manger Christmas Caroling Day; however, it was changed this year to the Peace in the Womb Christmas Caroling Day.  The new name is clearer and, hopefully, will help bring more people out to give witness, sing and pray.

The empty manger is a dual symbol. Like the empty manger lovingly placed in every Christmas crèche in anticipation of celebrating the Nativity of Jesus Christ, it represents the joy that ought to accompany the birth of every child.

This event is sponsored by the Pro-Life Action League

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