
Friday, November 11, 2016

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Closes First Clinic After Donald Trump Defeats Hillary Clinton

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A Planned Parenthood facility in Scranton, Pennsylvania announced on Wednesday its plans to close — just a day after Republican Donald Trump won the presidency.

The facility did not perform abortions, but it did refer patients for them. According to the Citizens Voice, Planned Parenthood plans to close its Scranton facility on Dec. 1.

Here’s more from the newspaper:

The organization made the “difficult strategic decision” to consolidate health services and close the Scranton center “after careful analysis of where our patients live and seek medical care as well as an assessment of how best to ensure the longevity and strength of existing medical centers,” she said.

Ms. Reed said the action will allow Planned Parenthood to focus its medical expertise on fast tracking the development of online health services with the goal of returning to the Scranton community in the fall of 2017.

The local Planned Parenthood leaders said the closure may be temporary, but the abortion chain faces a difficult road ahead after voters elected Republican majorities to the U.S. House and Senate, as well as a Republican president.

Right now, Planned Parenthood receives about half a billion taxpayer dollars every year, despite being the largest abortion provider in the U.S. and despite numerous scandals involving potentially illegal sales of aborted babies’ body parts, possible Medicaid fraud and failures to report sexual abuse of minors. The tax money Planned Parenthood receives is not supposed to be used for abortions, but evidence indicates that some of its abortion facilities are.

Life News article continues

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