
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Planned Parenthood Isn't Going to Like This...

from Marjorie Dannenfelser, President
Susan B. Anthony List

This is it...

With a pro-life White House and Congress, in 2017 we will finally be in a position to strip Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion business, of our tax dollars.

But I need you to take action now. We need to make it absolutely clear to Congressional leadership that defunding Planned Parenthood immediately is a non-negotiable.

That's why we just launched the Defund Planned Parenthood petition.

Our team isn’t slowing down after the election. Instead, we’re working overtime to meet with legislators to make it clear to them just how important defunding the abortion giant is to you and millions of other pro-life Americans.

But leadership in the House and Senate need to see that the Pro-Life Movement is unified behind the call to cancel the half-a-billion dollar check Planned Parenthood receives from taxpayers every year.


Defunding Planned Parenthood is an essential step forward in our fight for life. But the fight doesn't stop at withdrawing taxpayer dollars from the abortion giant. Once Planned Parenthood is defunded, we'll prepare for our next battles which include securing a pro-life justice on the Supreme Court, making the Hyde Amendment permanent, and passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. 

SBA List exists to pass laws that protect unborn children and their mothers from abortion

SBA combines politics with policy, investing heavily in voter education to ensure that pro-life Americans know where their lawmakers stand on protecting the unborn, and in issue advocacy, advancing pro-life laws through direct lobbying and grassroots campaigns.  For more information or to make a donation, please use this link.  

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