
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Soft Hearts - Hard Hearts - Wounded Hearts - Pro-Life Mission Report, Planned Parenthood, Trenton, NJ

From Bob Pawson 
Pro-Life Educators of America 

In addition to the women (and men) to whom we offer help as they are entering PP, we also have divine appointments with lots of pedestrians passing by on the sidewalk. Two of this morning’s interactions stand out.

The pro-life signs being displayed read: FREE PREGNANCY HELP; ADOPTION THE LOVING OPTION; & PRAY TO END ABORTION. I was sitting on my Rollator-walker on the sidewalk about ten feet from the PP doorway greeting PP ‘clients’ and giving them literature about the free resources available to them from Pregnancy Resource ministries in the area.

1) SOFT HEART - WOUNDED HEART: A middle-aged woman, who was just passing by, walked up to me. From her facial expression, it was obvious that she was distraught.
“God bless you for being here,” she said. She started weeping; tears flowing down her cheeks. “I’ve never had a baby,” she said. “I can’t have any children. I would love to have one of these babies,” as she motioned towards the PP building. We spoke and prayed for a few moments. She hugged me. I hugged her back. She asked for some of the literature and continued walking down the street.

2) HARD HEART - WOUNDED HEART: Just a few minutes later, a man and woman (also middle-aged) came walking along. As usual, I said good morning in a warm, cheery voice. At first, they ignored me.

Suddenly, the woman stopped short, looked at me, and said, “This is something that should be between a woman and her doctor. Not YOU.” “I replied, “The baby is left out of the decision. The babies get killed; chopped into pieces and vacuumed out.” She said, “That’s still up to the woman to decide.” I started to respond, but the man pulled her by the arm of her jacket – to start her walking again. She continued to make similar remarks as they walked down the sidewalk. 

 More MercerNJ/BucksPA region Christians/Pro-Lifers are needed to help minister at this location. As you can see, in addition to those who are coming for abortions; the outreach includes other hurting people who need Jesus. People who need Christians to share the Good News.

If YOU have a calling to… or are experienced in… street ministry or sidewalk ministry, open air evangelism, helping the homeless, and/or substance abusers, the poor, etc…. The Mission Field is wide-open here at 437 East State Street. Please do co-labor with us. (There is a desperate need for SPANISH-speaking missionaries.)

Currently, we minister here on Thursdays 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM and Saturdays 8:45 AM to 10:45 AM. If you prefer, other days and times slots are available. If necessary, we can equip you with appropriate signage (or bring your own) and other resource materials.

The Lord’s presence, and His provision of the presence of Security Guards (NJ State) and Trenton Police Officers helps keep us quite safe here. Nobody ‘messes’ with us.

Contact Bob Pawson by  e-mail at if you need info or to let us know if you are planning to visit with us on a particular date. 

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