
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Abortion Activists Will March on Washington in January to Declare Abortion a “Human Right”

Blogger's comment:

A society will be judged on how it protected its most vulnerable members. If an unborn baby, the most innocent and helpless, is not safe within the shelter of its mother's womb, then no one is safe. Human genocide is the natural progression and becomes inevitable. 

It's clear that Planned Parenthood and those who believe abortion is a 'human right' will be judged as the most evil and abhorent in all human history.

By Erin Parfet
Life News

The Women’s March on Washington, sponsored by the pro-abortion National Organization of Women, will be held on January 21, 2017 to bring together abortion activists from around the country. This march intends to affirm abortion and women’s rights as “human rights,” a National Organization of Women’s press release announced this week.

The march comes in response to President-elect Donald Trump’s stunning victory over pro-abortion candidate Hillary Clinton, who anticipated victory, the liberal news site Voxreports. The pro-abortion march was a social media brainchild, with 100,000-plus people reportedly planning to attend, based on Facebook.

“There is no better place for us to deliver this message than Washington, D.C. on the first day of the new administration,” NOW said in a statement. “NOW stands in unwavering solidarity with our sisters whose communities have been insulted, demonized and threatened in recent months, including … those who seek–and the caring professionals who provide–safe, affordable abortion care and birth control.”
According to Vox, the protest is not for or against any particular candidate, but about establishing “women’s rights as human rights.” But by rights, they mean abortion, and their pro-abortion position is a clear contrast to Trump and his administration, who have promised to support new protections for unborn babies and a defunding bill to stop taxpayer dollars from going to the nation’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood.

Life News article continues

1 comment:

  1. Women have always had human rights in America. The ONLY Right that should be denied is the right to kill their unborn child. They use every excuse in the book to CLAIM a Eight to abortion.
    Please pray for these misguided women.
