
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Abortion Survivor: I Feel a Burden to Be a Voice for Those Who Don’t Have One

By Lauren Enrique 
Live Action News

In 2014, a group of young pro-life advocates produced a stunning video called “Listen to the Beat.” The video demonstrates the impact of abortion on the United States by playing the same number of drumbeats as abortions that occur each day in our nation. 

As the drums beat, a young man talks about the devastating toll abortion has caused in the U.S. and the pro-life generation’s commitment to ending it.

In a stunning turn, the viewer learns that the young man is an abortion survivor himself.

Josiah Presley, the young man in the video, is now a 21-year-old college student. Presley agreed to share more of his story with the readers of Live Action News.

After surviving a dilation and curettage (D & C) abortion in South Korea at eight weeks gestation, Presley was born healthy, but with a disfigured arm — likely attributable to the attempt on his life. He was adopted at 13 months of age and came to live with his family in Oklahoma, where he would ultimately be one of 12 siblings, including 10 adopted children and the two biological children of his adoptive parents.

Presley always knew he was adopted, but he did not know he was an abortion survivor until the age of 13.
“When I was told at first, I kept it to myself for a while,” explained Presley. “However, as the Lord worked in my life and I began to get involved in pro-life ministries, God placed it on my heart to share my story.”

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