
Tuesday, December 13, 2016

AUL Releases UNSAFE, Ground-breaking Report Examining Dangerous Conditions in Abortion Clinics, Calls for Further Investigation

Americans United for Life

WASHINGTON, D.C. (12-12-16) – Following an examination of confirmed reports of dangerous abortion clinic conditions over the last 8 years, Americans United for Life releases a ground-breaking investigative report today: Unsafe: How The Public Health Crisis in America’s Abortion Clinics Endangers Women

The analysis details horrific abortion clinic conditions, documenting that 227 abortion providers in 32 states were cited for more than 1,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2016 and details hundreds of significant violations of state laws regulating abortion clinics. 

“The Supreme Court wrongly threw out Texas’ health and safety standards, concluding that there was insufficient evidence to support the need for the law. That perceived deficit must be addressed wherever and whenever possible, yet this void exists, in part, because of the scandalously lax manner in which many abortion clinics are monitored,” observed Americans United for Life Vice President of Legal Affairs Denise Burke, the report’s author.
She continued: “AUL took on the task of learning what information is available on abortion clinic conditions and what is not, as too few states protect women by appropriately regulating and inspecting abortion clinics.
The fact that data from some states are not included in the report indicates the need for better and more regular inspections and reporting on the results of those inspections Importantly, AUL is releasing this report in advance of the 2017 state legislative sessions so that lawmakers will have an important tool for explaining the critical need for enhanced health and safety standards and to call for further investigation.”

Top 10 Violations Cited as Unsafe:
  1. Failure to ensure a safe and sanitary environment and to follow infection control policies: 130 clinics in 22 states
  2. Failure to accurately document patient records and keep patient medical information confidential: 100 clinics in 17 states
  3. Failure to ensure staff are properly trained for duties: 82 clinics in 14 states
  4. Unlicensed/unqualified/untrained staff providing patient care: 81 clinics in 14 states
  5. Expired medications and medical supplies: 77 clinics in 17 states
  6. Failure to adopt, follow and/or periodically review internal health and safety protocols: 77 clinics in 15 states
  7. Failure to purchase and maintain the required equipment: 74 clinics in 11 states
  8. Failure to properly handle medications: 62 clinics in 16 states
  9. Failure to comply with physical plant standards: 41 clinics in 6 states
  10. Failure to monitor patient vital signs: 30 clinics in 10 states

American United for Life report continues

Blogger's Note: Beginning of report has been edited for brevity. For opening remarks, click on link above.

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