
Monday, December 19, 2016

Did You See What Governor Wolf Said?

Michael Geer
President, Pennsylvania Family Institute

While some Governors are improving women's health, Pennsylvania's Governor looks like he wants to make it worse.

This week, Ohio became the 19th state to update its abortion law by setting the limit to the first five months of pregnancy; ending late-term abortion. Yesterday, Governor Tom Wolf made the statement below on Twitter:

Governor Wolf's "limit access" comment begs a question - which is exactly why we sent him this:

We won't hold our breath for a reply. But Governor Wolf appears to want unlimited abortion in Pennsylvania - which goes with his track record as "the most liberal Governor in America" (Huffington Post) and his continued connection with abortion-giant Planned Parenthood.

Pennsylvania currently permits abortion up until 24 weeks, 6 days of pregnancy - which is later than nearly 40% of states and all but 7 nations in the world (a small list including China and North Korea). A woman is 91x more likely to die from abortion at 21 weeks or later compared to a first-trimester abortion. And babies born at 24 weeks now have a 60-65% chance at surviving; as compared to hardly a chance back in the 1980's; which is when our current abortion limit was developed.

SPEAK OUT - Governor Wolf should know that the vast majority of Pennsylvanians already recognize we should have some limits on abortions:
  • Do your family and friends know Pennsylvania allows late-term abortions? For conversation tips on 20-week abortion limits, here are responses to five false claims:
  • Support your State Representative and State Senator in efforts to end late-term abortion. Pennsylvania made efforts this year to end late-term abortion and update its nearly 30-year-old abortion law with HB1948, passing by two-thirds majority in the PA House before running out of time in the State Senate. With this sign of support, we expect another push to update our outdated laws in 2017.
  • Support the pro-life leadership of the Pennsylvania Family Institute. As we head into 2017, your financial support will help us advance pro-life efforts and expand our outreach in both Harrisburg and across Pennsylvania. 

The Mission of the Pennsylvania Family Institute is to strengthen families by restoring to public life the traditional, foundational principles and values essential for the well-being of society. We are the only full-time, professionally staffed non-profit organization representing family values—your values—in the state capitol. We encourage responsible citizenship and involvement in civic affairs to promote respect for life, family, marriage and religious liberty. For more information or to make a tax-deductible donation, please use this link.

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