
Saturday, December 3, 2016

France Debates Law that Would Criminalize Pro-Life Websites

Proposal a “Pro-Death Storm”

By Pete Baklinski
Live Action News

The socialist government of France is fast-tracking a bill aimed at criminalizing websites that might dissuade women from abortion.

The newly proposed “digital interference” law to be debated in the Assemblée nationale on Thursday aims at cracking down on French websites that would, in the words of the bill, “deliberately mislead, intimidate and/or exert psychological or moral pressure to discourage recourse to abortion.”

Convicted website owners could face two years in prison and fines up to 30,000 euros ($31,799 USD).

Dr. Joseph Meaney, director of international coordination for Human Life International, called the proposal a “pro-death storm” that has many concerned.
“It is aimed at banning pro-life websites and is really plunging towards ‘thought crimes.’ Even liberal bishops are speaking out against the penal sanctions for free speech,” he told LifeSiteNews.

Two of the country’s leading prelates have strongly condemned the proposal.
Cardinal André Vingt-Trois of Paris criticized the French government “obsession” with abortion in a radio interview on Friday, stating that the proposed legislation seems to have as its objective the “promotion of abortion as a normal outcome of pregnancy.”
He questioned why the government would make its top priority counteracting the influence of pro-life websites instead of sites that promote “radical terrorism.”

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