
Friday, December 2, 2016

General Assembly Rejects Controversial Sex Ed Programming, Launches Anti-Bullying Campaign

By Stefano Gennarini, J.D
Center for Family and Human Rights (C-Fam)

NEW YORK, December 2 (C-Fam) A three-year campaign to have the General Assembly endorse “comprehensive sexuality education” programming fizzled out during negotiations this year.

Sponsors of the annual General Assembly resolution on the “Rights of the Child” did not include “comprehensive sexuality education” in the draft resolution that is being considered for adoption, resulting in a kind of ceasefire on one of the most heated UN battles on social issues.

European and World Health Organization standards for comprehensive sexuality education prescribe teaching children under 4 years old about “early childhood masturbation” and promote social acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism throughout primary school.

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