
Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Texas Will Defund Planned Parenthood, Cancels $3.1 Million in Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Biz

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Texas officials gave final notice to Planned Parenthood on Tuesday that its taxpayer funding is going away.
The abortion chain in Texas currently receives $3.1 million in Medicaid funds. The final notice from the Texas Health and Human Services on Tuesday told the abortion group that it will be kicked out of the taxpayer-funded program in 30 days, the Texas Tribune reports.

State officials said Planned Parenthood’s potentially illegal sales of aborted babies’ body parts was a key reason for the move.
In the final notice letter, department Inspector General Stuart Bowen said the undercover videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s actions showed that “Planned Parenthood violated state and federal law.” He said the abortion group showed a “willingness to charge more than the costs incurred for procuring fetal tissue.”
“Your misconduct is directly related to whether you are qualified to provide medical services in a professionally competent, safe, legal and ethical manner,” Bowen wrote in the letter. “Your actions violate generally accepted medical standards, as reflected in state and federal law, and are Medicaid program violations that justify termination.”
Several weeks ago, a U.S. Congressional investigation released evidence that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast in Texas “broke the law when it sold aborted baby remains for profit to the University of Texas.” The U.S. House panel referred the case to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton for further review.

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