
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Inhumanity of Euthanasia in Belgium

This brilliant short documentary explains
why euthanasia abandons patients.

by Michael Cook

Euthanasia is billed as a humane practice. But after watching this brief documentary about Belgium it’s hard to believe that. Euthanasia was legalised there in 2002 and since then about 8,000 cases have been officially registered. Experience shows that demand grows with availability. Now children and the mentally ill can be given a lethal injection.

As one doctor remarks, “If someone thinks that it is intolerable to have bad eyesight, and that it is incurable because they don’t want to wear glasses, then we are in a situation within the criteria of the law. They ask for it repeatedly, so what is the problem?”

Continue reading this article and view the documentary using this link. 

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