
Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What Role Might Bias Play in the Abortion/Breast Cancer Link Controversy?

By Wendy Smith
Live Action News

There is contradictory scientific evidence regarding a link between abortions and breast cancer. Could this research be biased one way or another? Can we rely on these reports? These are important questions to consider in light of the controversy surrounding abortion and health risks, especially breast cancer.

Dr. Angela Lanfranchi, a practicing breast surgeon and co-founder of the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute (BCPI), feels the link between cancer and either induced abortion and/or the use of hormonal contraception is strong. 

In fact, she has risked her reputation supporting this view since launching BCPI in 1999. Dr. Lanfranchi argues that the biology behind induced abortion and increased risk of breast cancer is solid science, based on exposure to estrogen and rapid breast lobule formation prior to 32 weeks gestation.

Serum estrogen exposure has been identified as a quantifiable risk factor for developing breast cancer, as noted in studies of women who used hormone replacement therapy for longer than 10 years. 

Dr. Lanfranchi makes the point that hormonal contraceptives are class 1 carcinogens and that studies have shown an increase in breast cancer for premenopausal women who took hormonal contraception prior to their first full term pregnancy.

Following conception, in a viable pregnancy, estrogen levels increase 2,000% by the end of the first trimester. During this same time period, there is rapid breast tissue growth as estrogen stimulates breast cell division. Due to this rapid cell division in the setting of high estrogen levels, errors in DNA replication can occur, setting the stage for subsequent breast cancer if the pregnancy is terminated early by an induced abortion (this does not apply in the setting of spontaneous miscarriage).

Dr Lanfranchi and her colleague at BCPI, Dr. Joel Brind, a biochemist, have reviewed countless research reports investigating the possible link between induced abortion and breast cancer. Lanfranchi states:

"Since 1957 there have been 67 studies done concerning induced abortion and breast cancer risk. Of these, 51 showed a positive association and 30 were statistically significant."

Live Action News article continues 

1 comment:

  1. Not surprised that there's a possibility that people looks for the conclusions they want...and try to get away from conclusions they don't want.

    So many forces work to push girls, women into abortion on demand.
