
Monday, January 9, 2017

Abortion Activists Trash New Trump Health Advisor Because She’s Pro-Life

Katy Talento, Health Policy Advisor

By Micaiah Bilger

Life News

Another one of Donald Trump’s choices for his administration is rattling abortion activists this week.

This time, they are upset by the choice of Katy Talento as a health policy advisor to the White House Domestic Policy Council. A pro-life advocate with background both in politics and medical research, Talento was chosen by Trump’s transition team on Thursday, Stat News reports.
Talento is a Harvard University graduate and an “infectious disease epidemiologist with nearly 20 years of experience in public health and health policy, as well as government oversight and investigations and program evaluation,” according to the transition team.
Abortion activists quickly moved to attack Talento using a piece she wrote in 2015 for The Federalist about how some forms of birth control may cause early abortions. They claim her writing – a Harvard graduate and experienced medical researcher’s writing – is “scientifically unsound.”

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