
Friday, January 6, 2017

Debating Fetal Burial Laws

Fetal burial laws latest in pro-life debate

Regulations in Texas, proposed laws in several 
states seek dignified treatment of fetal remains

by Brian Fraga
OSV Newsweekly

The covert video stings of Planned Parenthood in 2015 sparked allegations of fetal organ trafficking that led to congressional and state-level investigations, but one of the lesser-reported revelations has been about the routine disposal of aborted babies in the abortion industry.

For years now, abortion facilities throughout the country have disposed of aborted fetuses in landfills and in sewer systems, in addition to incinerating their remains. In Ohio, the state Attorney General’s Office in December 2015 found that three Planned Parenthood affiliates in the state had sent fetal remains to companies that disposed of them in landfills.

“Even after death, infants are not treated humanely by the abortion industry,” said Kristi Hamrick of Americans United for Life, a pro-life public interest law firm that has crafted legislation aimed at caring for the bodies of unborn children in a humane way.

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