
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Franklin Graham: “When We Worry More About Making Money Than Protecting Babies We Have a Problem”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Christian leader Franklin Graham criticized Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe for prioritizing money above babies’ lives this week after the governor claimed a bill to ban late-term abortions would hurt business in his state.
“When we are worried more about our state image and making money than about protecting the lives of babies in their mothers’ wombs, it’s obvious we have a big problem,” Graham wrote on Facebook Friday in response to McAuliffe.
Virginia lawmakers currently are considering a bill to prohibit late-term abortions after 20 weeks when strong scientific evidence indicates that unborn babies can feel pain. McAuliffe quickly responded with a promise to veto the bill, claiming it would hurt the state’s image and businesses.

The Associated Press reported:

The General Assembly’s 2017 legislative session starts next week and McAuliffe does not typically comment on proposed legislation until after it passes both chambers. But the governor said he needed to make clear to companies looking to invest in Virginia that the legislation had no hope of passage.
“I can’t sit back and have that sitting out the same time I am traveling the globe recruiting businesses to Virginia,” McAuliffe said, adding that he is going on an important recruiting trip this weekend. “If there’s something that would be damaging toward business, and to our image around the country and the globe, I’ll veto it, you bet I will.”
Graham said McAuliffe has his priorities “backwards” and human lives are of much greater value than money.
“Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe says he will veto legislation banning abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy because he says such a ‘socially divisive’ proposal hurts the state’s image. Wow. When we are worried more about our state image and making money than about protecting the lives of babies in their mothers’ wombs, it’s obvious we have a big problem. Do some people really not understand what abortion is?” Graham wrote.
Life News article continues

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