
Friday, January 6, 2017

Kentucky House Committee Passes Bill Allowing Women to See Ultrasound of Baby Before Abortion

"But once conception starts, there becomes another life involved."

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Kentucky lawmakers are making the protection of unborn babies a top priority this year.

On Wednesday, the second day of the Kentucky legislative session, a state House committee passed a bill to require that abortion facilities perform ultrasounds and give women the opportunity to see them before having an abortion, the Associated Press reports. It passed in a 14-5 vote.

The bill now moves to the full House for a vote, which could come as soon as Thursday. Abortion activists told WHAS 11 News that they plan to rally in the state Capitol on Thursday to oppose the bill and two others introduced this week in the legislature.

State Rep. Kim Moser, who supports the measure, said it will help women to make a more informed decision.

“I am a woman, and I do have five children so I do speak from experience when I say that, you know, I feel again that any information to a patient when they are receiving medical treatment is crucial especially when it, in the end, ends life,” Moser told WHAS.
Abortion activists claimed the bill is an attempt to “shame women,” according to the report.

Early Wednesday evening, a state Senate panel also passed a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks when strong scientific evidence indicates they can feel pain, the Associated Press reports. That bill also moves to the full Kentucky Senate for consideration, and Senate leaders expect a vote by the end of the week.

Life News article continues

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