
Saturday, January 28, 2017

NFL Player Ben Watson Tells March for Life: “We Must End the Unthinkable Practice of Abortion”

“Men, We Can Be Silent No More.”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Joining hundreds of thousands of people at the March for Life today is NFL star Ben Watson.

The Baltimore Ravens tight end has been using his fame not to speak for himself but to speak up for the most vulnerable lives in America – babies in the womb.

“Abortion will not end until men stand up” for women and babies in the womb, Watson challenged the crowd during the 44th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. “We must end the unthinkable practice of abortion in the United States of America.”

While abortion activists try to silence pro-life men, Watson urged men to be an even stronger voice in the movement. A husband and father of five children, he challenged men to support and protect women’s and children’s rights and lives to the fullest extent of their abilities.
“Men, it is time we rise up [in] the pro-life movement. Men, we cannot be silent anymore,” Watson said. “As important as women have been in championing this cause, you men, us men, must rise up and lead the charge.”
“Even if it wasn’t demonstrated for you by a father, you can be different, you can change the course of generation,” he added. “Men, we can be silent no more.”
Many of his powerful remarks were posted on Twitter and other social media, including this one: “Let us remember the power of loving kindness. Being #prolife is a way of life!”

“Looking out, I see a sea of collective humanity, but looking closer I see individuals who have their own spheres of influence,” he said.
“This is the power of one. It is the power of influence, to influence people in our neighborhoods in our churches, in our workplaces on our teams,” Watson said. “It is also the power to unite as we have today as one, for a common cause to end the unthinkable practice of abortion in America.”
Life News report continues

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