
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Ten Good Men Need Your Help to Sponsor Teens for March for Life Bus Trip

Excitement is building for the Ten Good Men Bus Trip to Washington DC for the January 27, 2017 March for Life.

Part of that excitement is that about a dozen teens have signed up to make the trek so far. We are encouraged that young people see the need to stand courageously for the unborn who have no voice to defend themselves. This is the future of the pro-life movement.

Consider Sponsoring a Teen
for the 
Annual March for Life 2017!

Because we only charge the young people a reduced rate of $25 for the bus fare, and since our costs are nearly $60 per seat to rent the bus... we are asking our friends to consider making a small donation to help cover the difference.

If you'd like to donate, please send you contribution to:

Ten Good Men
P.O. Box 98
Jamesville, NY 13078

Or you can donate online at...

If you have been on the fence, please consider joining us for this important trip to let God and... our federal government know we are serious about seeing child-killing ended in America.

Take a stand with us! I know you will be inspired and encouraged!

Cost for adults is $55 and teens and younger is $25. Bus fare includes all transportation costs as well as snacks and beverages on the bus.

For more information or to register go to...

 These are historic times in so many ways. The people of God need to stand for those who cannot stand for their own rights!

I hope you'll join us.

In His service,


 David E. Long
  Partners in Kingdom Progress
  Executive Director, Ten Good Men
  Office - 315-677-8019
  Cell - 315-263-2531

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