
Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Top 16 NRL News Today Stories for 2016

By Dave Andrusko, Editor
National Right to Life News Today

Today [December 30] is the last set of NRL News Today posts for 2016. What a wonderfully crazy year it has been. (See here and here.) Thanks to all our readers who have been so generous both in their willingness to forward NRL News Today stories to their pro-life contacts and in their encouragement to me.

Not surprisingly, given that this was a presidential year, the story that received the most “likes” and “shares” was about Hillary Clinton. “10 examples illustrating how extreme Hillary Clinton is on abortion” was liked by 27,000 respondents and shared by 1,100. 

Ranking third was a story about Donald Trump’s interview with EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo in which the now President-elect talked about how he became a pro-life and reaffirmed his promise to nominate only pro-life jurists to the Supreme Court.

But there many non-political stories that our readers enjoyed. The common denominator for many was examples found in popular culture where the unborn child was seen for what he or she actually is: a member of the human family on their way to birth.

Another batch of stories dealt with the people who make up our Movement—generous, giving folks whose commitment is unwavering. Still another category was encouraging, life-affirming posts about children with Down syndrome.

I hope you take some time to click on the hyperlinks included below. I should warn you: you just can’t read one.

Happy New Year to all.

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